Yaoota! Magazine

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Yaoota’s Consortium: How to Choose Your Frying Pan

Yaoota's Consortium: How to Choose Your Fry Pan

By: Noha Mo’men & Yara El-Hemaily

In the past, when we used to go shopping for a pan or a pot with our parents, we used to find very few choices with limited colors, and whichever house you went to, the pans were all the same. Choosing a pan was an easy and simple task. Now, however, we have so many options that our heads spin when we come to choose a pan set! 

Yaoota decided to help you in this article to choose the suitable pan. The frying pan turned out to be more complex than we thought; this is why Yaoota, in this article, will tell you some detailed points in order to help you understand more about the composition of the frying pan, what your options are and what price to expect. 

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