Yaoota! Magazine

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Hauck Metal-Glider 11 Relaxing & Nursing Chair Review


By Omnya Azmi & Heidi Soliman 

The mother baby bond is strong and very sensitive. This means that any emotional stress the mother experiences, the baby senses it. If the mother is happy and comfortable, the baby will be as well and vice versa. The most beautiful and most intimate relation between the mother and her baby lies in breastfeeding. This does not only nourishes the child, but it transcends to him/her the sense of comfort and safety. They invented the nursing chair for the mother to take a relaxed comfy position. Also, the chair is made of relaxing various material that comes in different shapes, sizes and qualities. Each type is designed for a specific purpose, some chairs are fixed and some have massagers. Other types of chairs turn 360 degrees to provide maximum comfort for the mother and the baby as well. In addition to having other great features.

In this Yaoota’s review, we will talk about one of the most popular nursing chairs, the Hauck 687079 Metal-Glider 11 Relaxing & Nursing Chair. The review will go over the description, pros, cons, and user experience. This way you could get a complete picture of the features of the Hauck chair. If you like it, you could click on Yaoota’s link provided, compare prices and pick the price that best suits you, then place your order online to have it delivered to your doorstep in the fastest time possible.

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