Yaoota! Magazine

المقالات العربية


Top 7 Natural Oils for Your Hair & Skin

Top 7 Natural Oils for Your Hair & Skin

By: Nesma Masoud & Bassem Badawi

Have you ever tried looking into the components of a hair shampoo or cream that you often use? Have you ever felt that it might contain some chemicals that are neither good for you, your skin nor your hair? There are other safer natural alternatives that can be used including oils.

Oils have been used in the cosmetics field since the beginning of civilization, ever since the Pharaonic era. Pharaohs used to rub their skin with olive oil and made beauty creams from beeswax and olive oil. Since that time, oils have been used for beauty purposes around the world.

Today Yaoota is presenting more than one way to use each type of natural oil in order to get the maximum benefit and relieve your skin and hair of the chemicals hidden in different shampoos and creams.

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