Yaoota! Magazine

المقالات العربية


6 Best Time-Saving Home Appliances


By Noha Nasrat & Translation by Dina Amir

Many people suffer from having no time to complete all the daily home tasks and chorus; as the moment we enter the house, we have zillion things to do, such as preparing food, washing the dishes, cleaning the house, studying with her kids, and so on. Sometimes we even feel like an exhausted worn out robot. Read More…

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أدوات لتنظيم وتوفير وقت الأعمال المنزلية


كتب نهى نصرت

من أكثر الحاجات اللي بتعانى منها المرأة بذات لو بتشتغل هو إن دايمًا وقتها بيكون ضيق، وبيكون نفسها تنجز حاجات كتير ومش بتلاحق تعملها كلها، لأنها لما بترجع من الشغل بيكون وراها مسؤوليات كتير زي تحضير الأكل ومذاكرة الولاد وغسيل المواعين وتنضيف البيت وغيره، و كتير بتحس إنها محتاجة إنسان آلي يساعدها في شغل البيت اللي مش بيخلص.

عشان كده ياقوطة بترشح لك مجموعة من المنتجات اللي هتوفر عليكي كتير من الوقت والمجهود عشان تقدري تستغلي وقتك في حاجات تانية أهم. Read More…

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Creative products for your house

Creative products for your house


Being organized is inevitable to live a simple, easy life. We all wish to have very organized houses, without having useless things all over the place. Of course, no one loves that. So, we prepared this list for anyone who wants to save time and effort while searching for any lost item, to help you find a decent place to keep your blankets, or to easily organize your clothes from a season to another. You will also find items that will help you make the best use of the space you have, and organizing these small items that get lost daily. Yaoota provides you with this list so you can organize your house in an easy convenient way. Some of the items in the list have more than one use at the same time.

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