Yaoota! Magazine

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Tools to Help Differently Abled People

By: Dina Amir

We all love our family. We want to make sure they are having the best life conditions. Yaoota believes that their happiness and comfort will make your own life better and happier. That is why we present you a suggested list of items to help our beloved differently abled friends be more independent and confident while uncovering their real capabilities.

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Tools for Seniors to Enjoy Their Life

By: Dina Amir

We all have our beloved ones, whether friends or family. Some of our beloved ones might be elders, whether parents, grandparents, or other family members and friends. We want our beloved ones to be happy and enjoy a comfy life.

Yaoota wants to help you take the best care of your beloved ones. That’s why we will present you today a list of ideas that would make their life less risky and more organized, because we know that their smile can make your day.

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