9 Items for Fresh-smelling Laundry and Home

9 Items for Fresh-smelling Laundry and Home

By: Amany Samir & Shorouq Nabil

Did you know that fragrances can affect our mood and performance greatly? (According to a study conducted in Brown University, USA.)

If you can make an association between a certain odor and your mood at the time you smelled it, your brain will make an association and help improve the efficiency of your work (or simply your general mood) whenever you happen to smell it again. For instance, if you use a lavender-scent detergent in your house and you like its smell, your mood will improve if you happen to smell it in, say, a mall or the office, thus boosting your performance.

That is why Yaoota has prepared this article for you! In this article, you will find nine of the most popular products that induce certain lovable fragrances that you will be sure to recognize every time. Keep your house clean and your mood good! Let’s check them out!

*Prices listed in this article are the ones provided at the time of its publication, and are subject to change according to the supply and demand of the market.

(1) Downy Fabric Softener

It will make your clothes “breathe”! It penetrates the fabric, protects it from damage, makes it nice and soft, and, of course, gives it a nice, refreshing scent all day.

Check out Downy Fabric Softener here.

(2) Vanish Stain Removal Powder

Vanish can get rid of the most difficult stains that normal detergents cannot beat. It contains active ingredients that not only remove stains, but also maintains the vibrant color shades of your clothes.

Check out Vanish Stain Remover here.

(3) General Floor Cleaner

One scent you can always associate with a clean house is the floor cleaner’s! This is why we recommend the floor cleaner from General. It cleans not only floors, but carpets and furnishings as well. It comes in many relaxing and refreshing fragrances.

Check out General Floor Cleaner here.

(4) Pledge Furniture Cleaner

One of the common mistakes in cleaning furniture is using water and soap: it makes the color of the wood pale and uneven. What’s better is using cleaners specially designed for furniture. The most famous among such products is Pledge.

Pledge is made of high-quality ingredients that help remove dust and dirt and leaves the wood clean and shiny. It also adds an insulating layer to preserve the outer shell of the wood and protect it against harmful factors like heat and humidity.

Check out Pledge Furniture Cleaner Spray here.

(5) Clorox Bathroom Cleaner

Clorox spray is used for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces from microbes and germs. You can use it to clean glass, mirrors and ceramic walls in the bathroom, in addition to other types of surfaces, such as marble, and even stoves and refrigerators.

Check out Clorox Bathroom Cleaner here.

(6) Harpic Toilet Cleaner

When cleaning the bathroom, it is important to always keep the toilet clean; not only because it would look nice, but also to prevent the formation of microbes and the transmission of infections. For that reason, we recommend Harpic. It gets rid of the lime accumulated in the toilet and kills all germs. Just apply it for at least 30 minutes without diluting it. After that, rinse it with water and have yourself a clean and safe toilet.

Check out Harpic Toilet Cleaner here.

(7) Dettol Disinfectant Liquid

Dettol is among the most powerful disinfectants that protect your home and clothes from germs. It helps protect you against inflammation and provides continuous immunity. You can use it as a disinfectant for all surfaces (bathrooms, kitchens, floors) and for cleaning and sanitizing all kinds of clothes. If you buy two 750 ml bottles, you will get a third one for free.

Check out Dettol Disinfectant Liquid here.

(8) Finish Dishwasher Detergent

Many famous dishwasher manufacturers recommend Finish, as it removes the most difficult oil and fat stains. It comes with a rinse aid that helps dry the dishes faster and make them shiny. It also comes with Finish salt, which prevents the accumulation of sediments on the dishes. 

Check out Finish Dishwasher Detergent here.

(9) Persil Gel Laundry Detergent 

Persil Power Gel quickly melts in the fabric and gets rid of the hardest stains, thanks to the enzymes that break them down efficiently. It also protects clothes from damage with a long-lasting fragrance. Additionally, you get to save more than if you buy the powder detergent: if you buy 3 liters of Persil Power Gel, you will get an extra 1 liter for free.

Check out Persil Power Gel Laundry Detergent here.

*Some products may be currently out of stock, but they will be available again soon. If you encounter any similar problem, please comment on the article, or contact us through our Facebook page. 

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