How to Survive The First Outing With Your Newborn

شنطة الام

By: Shaza Walid

Being a new mother is joyous, thrilling, challenging, and tiring, all at the same time.  It is a phase when the miracle of life is truly celebrated and enjoyed. It is a magical time when a family welcomes a new member and a mother embraces new responsibilities. Everything now has to be adjusted according to the baby’s schedule. Nevertheless, a new mother needs to regain her social life and fun times, doesn’t she? Even though going out with a newborn for the first time might sound overwhelming, Yaoota is here with important tips and products you will need when leaving the house with your little baby.

And what is better than knowing motherhood tips firsthand from a new mother? Yaoota interviewed Al Shimaa Abdullatif, a construction engineer and a mother to 3-months old Malika, to know how she deals with the hassles and joys of a firstborn. “Motherhood was actually easier than I thought it would be. I expected non-stop screaming and no sleeping. These things are there, of course, but not with the intensity I imagined. It is just quite extraordinary really,” Abdullatif says.

*Prices listed in the article are the ones provided when the article was published, and they are subject to change according to supply and demand of the market.

  • Accommodate Your Baby’s Schedule

Unplanned outings might not be that feasible with your baby, but planned ones are surely doable. Try to work around your baby’s meal and nap times to make sure the outing is as smooth and enjoyable as possible. For instance, make sure to feed your baby and change his/her diaper before you leave the house so you do not have to do it again for the next couple of hours. If the outing is during your baby’s nap time, make sure to have his/her carrycot or stroller for sound sleeping.

Check out this collection of carrycots here, with prices starting from 199 EGP.

  • Pick The Right Location

Choosing the right location is a key element in ensuring a smooth outing with your baby. If you were dining out, try not to pick a very quiet or a high-end restaurant, so when your baby makes a fuss or cries, you would not get embarrassed and people would not be annoyed. Make sure the place has good space to walk around, so you can walk the baby to keep him/her quiet before your food comes, for example. Speaking of food, you do not want to order a messy dish so your hands are always free whenever your baby needs anything. If your baby is a bit older, you might want to choose a place that offers a high baby chair and a playing area.

  • Pack The Baby’s Essentials Beforehand

You can already be stressed enough about going out with your newborn for the first time, so make sure to prepare his/her bag the day before to avoid any hassles before leaving the house. “Going out with your baby can be overwhelming at first, but planning it right makes it easier by time,” Abdullatif elaborated, “for example, I used to take two bags when going out, one for my personal belongings and one for Malika’s things. Then I realized they were such a burden so I now only take one, with our belongings together.”

Abdullatif shared with Yaoota her secret list of essential items when going out with her baby:

  • The baby bag is where you will put all your essentials. It needs to be spacious enough but not too bulky. It is better if you choose it with compartments so it would be easier to reach out for what you need quickly. Check out baby bags here, with prices starting from 149 EGP.
  • Strollers are very convenient when going out with your baby because you would not have to carry him/her all the time and it is not as heavy as the carrycot. There are numerous stroller models in the market nowadays, so choose what suits you best. Shop for your baby’s suitable stroller here, with prices starting from 499 EGP.
  • A car seat is crucial for your baby’s safety. Make sure to pick one that is suitable for your baby’s height and weight. Moreover, know the size of your car’s back seat before purchasing to make sure you are buying the right size. You might need to switch to a convertible car seat when your baby is older. Check out different sizes of car seats here, with prices starting from 222 EGP.
  • Another way to carry your baby is a baby carrier. It is convenient and practical. It leaves your hands free to carry around your belongings. Check out different kinds of baby carriers here, with prices starting from 89 EGP.
  • Diapers are something you should never leave the house without. The baby’s diaper size changes as he/she grows, so make sure to check the size on the diaper before buying. It is advised to take a diaper for each hour you will be out, just in case. You can buy diapers online here, with prices starting from 46 EGP.
  • Along with diapers comes a mother’s best friend, wipes. You can use them to clean your baby and your hands after a diaper change, or a surface that is not clean enough. Make sure the wipes are alcohol free so they would be gentle enough on your baby’s skin. You can buy your baby’s wipes here, starting from 19 EGP.
  • Nappy cream is also an essential item during the diaper change process. Buy your baby’s cream here, with prices starting from 15 EGP.
  • Some mothers prefer to use baby powder instead of the nappy cream. It depends on what is suitable for your baby and whether or not he/she has any allergies. Buy your baby’s powder here, with prices starting from 10 EGP.
  • A changing pad will always come in handy when you are out with your baby. Get your baby’s changing pad here, with prices starting from 259 EGP.
  • If you were bottle-feeding, you would need to take a sterilized bottle or two of formula milk or stored breast milk. Make sure the bottles are well insulated so the milk stays warm for as long as possible. It is important to check the milk’s temperature on the inside of your wrist before feeding it to the baby. It should be warm not hot. Check out baby bottles here, with prices starting from 51 EGP. You can also buy your baby’s milk formula here, with prices starting from 67 EGP.
  • You do not have to take the whole bulky bottle of baby formula with you; you can use a baby powder container instead to take the specific amount you need only. Check out baby powder container here, priced at 70 EGP.
  • Since the weather is getting colder, you might find that your bottles are not as warm as you expected them to be. A bottle warmer is the solution. Check out bottle warmers here, with prices starting from 46 EGP.
  • For mothers who breastfeed, you can use a nursing cover while feeding your child to get more privacy and avoid the traditional blanket-over-shoulder method. Get your nursing cover here, with prices starting from 100 EGP.
  • You would still need a blanket to cover your baby if it gets too cold or to sometimes use it as a changing pad if you forgot to bring one along. Check out baby blankets here, with prices starting from 35 EGP.
  • Another essential item for a mother who breastfeeds is a nursing pad to prevent any leakage from seeping through your clothes when you are out. Find nursing pads here, with prices starting from 95 EGP.
  • A small pillow can also be essential during changing diapers or when your baby needs a nap. Find baby pillows here
  • “A pacifier is probably my number-one item to pack when going out with Malika. I can never leave the house without it,” Abdullatif said. Some babies like them and some babies simply do not stand them, so make sure to see what your baby is comfortable with. Find child’s pacifier here, with prices starting from 26 EGP.
  • Last but not least, take some extra clothes. You never know when you need them so always pack some just in case. Find baby clothes here. 

For any other necessities your child might need, Yaoota has a whole section for child’s essentials so you can shop online from the comfort of your home and have them delivered to your doorstep.

  • Remember to go easy on yourself

Being a mother was never meant to be an easy task. It is a journey of learning and making mistakes. What matters is what you learn from them and how you develop yourself to be a better mother. So do not pressure yourself to be a perfect mother because she does not exist. Every baby is unique so what would work for a mother and her child might not necessarily work for another. “Motherhood is challenging and life-changing, but going through it with a newborn you love wholeheartedly makes it worthwhile,” Abdullatif said.

*Some items may currently be out of stock, but they will be available soon. If you encounter any similar problem, please comment on the article, or contact us through our Facebook page.

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