Destiny 2: What’s New?

The amazing FPS online RPG: Destiny Full Review

By: Ahmed Namek

On the 9th of September, 2014, Bungie games bestowed upon us the amazing FPS online RPG: Destiny. Since then, gamers have been going nuts grinding out the game modes, getting all their classes up to maximum level and farming the best weapons and gear available from all the raids and bosses added by more DLCs in the game’s later days.

Some of the more hardcore players have already gotten all the loot and gear that they could, though, so they went on to PVP and destroyed their enemy’s team while hanging out with their friends either messing around the open world or doing crazy events, or even on the battlefield, helping each other level through another new character.

And now, on the 6th of September, 2017, we have a new Destiny to play! The hype was real, and everyone was excited for the new release appropriately called Destiny 2.

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What’s Destiny 2?

Destiny 2 is basically more Destiny; it has the same amazing shooting mechanics while maintaining a suitable storyline to keep you hooked on the galaxy’s biggest threat so far.

The fundamentals are probably the same, along with the loot system, making everyone happy to go for a grind every now and then along with friends or going in solo.

There are many events that players can join in publicly and play together to get some extra rare loot in special missions or some others where you have to pick your team carefully and watch out for different needs from each class.

Whether it is a raid in endgame or a normal campaign mission in early game, playing as a coordinated team will always benefit you, as you will cover each other’s shortcomings.

When you are on a high enough level to conquer the levels in campaign or story mode, you can grind some difficult dungeons and raids to get epic loot of gear and weapons.

At the end of it all, if single player was too easy with the PVE being a bit simpler when compared to PVP, you can always jump in a team and fight another team for even more loot and brag-rights.

What’s New?

Like I mentioned before, the core is consistently the same as Destiny, but with some changes, making the grind a bit easier and more rewarding.

There is way more direction provided in Destiny 2 regarding where you should go and what you should do next, something that was missing in Destiny.

Another difference is the raids. Some of the puzzles and quests in raids are quite difficult, especially the “Nightfall’s strike” missions, as they force you into working as a team, and when you fail them you learn more about how to defeat them.

Why Destiny 2?

Like I said, this one has a much stronger foundation compared to the first game. You will want to log in to hang out with friends, play a daily mission, go on a difficult raid with some random people online, farm and grind for that epic loot piece you wanted, and more.

The game is addictive, as the RPG element in it plays with your sense of accomplishment and requires you to grind certain enemies and bosses to get certain weapons and gear, making it a repetitive, yet interesting, pursuit.

Sounds Good. What’s the Catch?

Nothing too drastic. The repetitive gameplay might be a bit boring if you’re doing it by yourself. Get yourself some friends who play, or meet some new ones in the game, and help each other out with the game. This will make it easier to swallow.

Not a lot has changed from the first game, though, and that can be a bit of a turn-off for some players who have gone their distance with the first game and are done with the grind life.

This Is My First Destiny. What Should I Do?

There is a lot to learn in the game. Watch some videos, ask some people in-game, and you should be fine. Learn and try out the classes in the game so you can fill a party when needed to do a specific role in a raid or a strike. Grind as much as you can while taking breaks so you don’t get bored or it becomes a chore. Other than that, have fun shooting people in space!

This has been my review of Destiny 2, a step up from a successful game that had people hooked on it for years, a better, more user-friendly approach on it, but still, at the core, the same game you all liked and played. Good luck and keep grinding for those epics.

Check Out Destiny 2 from here.


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