13 New Year’s Resolutions


By Rana Kamaly

With every new beginning, new dreams are born. And with a new year comes new resolutions and amends to be made. So Yaoota decided to help you out make peace with the past and indulge in a new journey fulfilling your new aspirations.

Check out these 13 New Year’s Resolutions that will purify your life and brighten your future. What ever you need Yaoota, has you covered.

1. Get ride of your burdens

We all have this one thing or things that we know deep down that we just need to get rid of, but for some reasons we just keep holding on. This could be a bad relationship, a disturbing habit or even an old garment. You probably know that it’s bad for you and that it’s probably holding you back. So just take the decision, take a deep breath, believe in you self and let go. You will instantly feel much lighter.

2. Create inspirational yet attainable goals

Life without an aim is not worth living, so create a new list of short-term and long-term goals and go for them one at a time. The sense of accomplishment will make you feel more worthy and satisfied with yourself.

 3. Travel more

A wise man once said, “Travel while you’re young and able. Don’t worry about the money just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.” So just pack your bags and go, even if it’s just for a weekend away to the beach; you will still make loads of rear memories, new friends and awesome experiences.

4. Adjust your weight

Over 70% of Egyptians have weight related issues, if you are overweight or underweight, take a step and make the change. It doesn’t matter how much your weight, the most important thing is that you are fit, healthy and confident about your body image. We know it isn’t easy but perseverance is the key.

5. Stay in touch

Call your friends and relatives that you haven’t heard from for years, better yet pay them a visit. Don’t Facebook them. Make more time for family and friends as this quality time is what makes all the difference at the end, and once you catch up face to face or even over a real phone call you will realize what you were missing.

 6. Buy yourself something that you have wanted for a long time

It doesn’t need to be anything major, it could be a nice pen or necklace that you spotted a while back, but for some reason, it just keeps popping in your head. So just buy yourself a gift.

7. Make your self happy

We all wait for someone or something to happen to make us happy, while the truth is we are the best and easiest way to our own happiness, do whatever makes you happy and forget about what others think. Just do that thing that makes you tick, whether it be playing video games, having a long walk at night, reading an interesting book, getting a nice mani-pedi or riding a horse in the desert, just get up and do it already.

8. Lead a healthier life

Pick at least one health problem you have and decide to fix it. It can be anything from cholesterol to stress, just decide to fix it and learn the best ways to do so and incorporate these tips into your lifestyle for a healthier, happier you.

9. Play more sports

Sports will make you fit, healthy, happy, stress-free and just rejuvenated. So free up at least 10 minutes every day or 30 minutes every other day and do any type of sport you like, it can be running, football, yoga, Zumba, kickboxing, tennis or even walking.

10. Learn something new

Learning a new skill or language, can be very rewarding to one’s self. So invest 2 minutes a day in learning any new piece of information as this way you are investing in your brain, your most valuable position.

11. Volunteer your time

Give back to the community by volunteering your time in an orphanage or an animal shelter or even to a sick friend in the hospital. Seeing someone smile, or helping someone just because you can while asking for nothing in return will make you feel so much better about yourself and your worth in the society, plus you will be helping out someone who is really in need.

 12. Get a new look

Change anything in your appearance, it can be anything a new haircut, a tattoo, a piercing or a new clothing style; it really doesn’t matter, just do something new with your appearance, even if you are the only one who can see it, you will still feel a sense of change.

13. Face your fears

Everyone is scared of something, identify your fears and decide to overcome them or, at least, admit them so you can live more peacefully.

Through www.yaoota.com, you can search, compare and buy whatever you need and have it delivered to your doorstep and remember to always smile…

Yaoota wishes you a Happy New Year 🙂

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