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سعر ومواصفات OTRIVIN 0.1% NASAL SPRAY 10 ML

  • أفضل سعر لـ OTRIVIN 0.1% NASAL SPRAY 10 ML by سيف فى مصر هو 6.75 ج.م.
  • طرق الدفع المتاحة هى
    دفع عند الاستلامبطاقة ائتمانية
  • تكلفة التوصيل هى 0 ج.م.
  • أول ظهور لهذا المنتج كان فى أغسطس 18, 2014

وصف سيف

* Otrivin (Xylometazoline hydrochloride) 0.1% Nasal Spray Nebuliser 10 ml solution. Adults' formula (For adults and children over 6 years).
  For the treatment of colds. Decongestant of the nasal mucosan. Local vasoconstrictor for nasal decongestion.
* Indications / Scope of Use:
- Colds of various types.
- To aid drainage of secretions in affections of the paranasal sinuses.
- In otitis media, as an adjuvant to decongest the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
- To facilitate rhinoscopy.
* Dosage / Use:
- Do not use the nebuliser for infants and children.
- For adults and children over 7 years:
. For children: 1-2 sprays in each nostril, up to 3 times a day.
. For adults: 1-2 sprays in each nostril, 3 to 4  times a day.
* General Note:
  Once the pack has been opened, the contents should be used for 1 month only.
* Contra-indications:
  Like other vasoconstrictors, Otrivin should not be employed in status post transsphenoidal
  hypophysectomy (or after transnasal or transoral surgical interventions in which the dura
  mater has been exposed), nor should it be used by patients known to be hypersensitive to
  substances contained in it.
* Precautions:
- Otrivin, like all other preparations belonging to the same class of active substances, should
  be used only with caution in patients showing a strong reaction to sympathomimetic agents,
  as evidenced by signs of insomnia, dizziness, etc.
- As in the case of other local vasoconstrictors. Otrivin should not be employed uninterruptedly
  over prolonged periods, e.g. in chronic colds.
- Do not use for more than 5 days to avoid congestion.
* Pregnancy / Lactation:
- Pregnancy category C.
- In view of this vasoconstricting properties women should take care not to use Otrivin during
- During lactation Otrivin should only be used under medical supervision.
* Not to be taken by mouth.
* Do not use for more than one week without doctor's advice.
* Protect from heat. Do not store above 30 degrees C.
* Produced by: NOVARTIS PHARMA S.A.E. Cairo - under licence from: Novartis Consumer Health SA, Nyon, Switzerland.

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