سعر ومواصفات ISOTROPIN HGH Patch Extra Strength 5,400ng

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  • أول ظهور لهذا المنتج كان فى إبريل 20, 2017

وصف بايوفيا

Introducing ISOTROPIN® HGH (Formally PRODERM-HGH), the new 12-hour time-release HGH patch from Newton-Everett Biotech®. The main advantage of patches over tablets or powders is that skin patches bypass the digestive system altogether and provide a slow, steady delivery directly to the bloodstream. It is also convenient for people that have difficulty swallowing tablets or that get upset stomachs taking tablets or powders. The extra strength patch contains 5,400ng of Somatotropin (HGH) 2C/30C (also available in regular strength 3,600ng). ISOTROPIN® HGH advanced technology is the most convenient and effective way to enjoy the benefits of Growth Hormone. Doctors and Health Care Professionals worldwide now believe that increasing your levels of human growth hormone may facilitate improved health, fitness, energy, permanent weight loss, sports and workout performance, bring other hormones into normal ranges and so much more! Does ISOTROPIN® HGH contain any animal by-products? ISOTROPIN® HGH does not contain any animal by-products. How Does The ISOTROPIN® HGH Homeopathic patch Work? The ISOTROPIN® HGH seal provides you with the quickest results without the hassle of remembering to take your HGH, 3 times a day. Just put it on and let it work. Nothing is easier or more convenient than the HGH Seal. Here are a couple of the amazing benefits that HGH users may experience: • Weight Loss • Restore Youthful Skin • Decrease Weight • Increase Energy & Endurance • Build Muscle • Strengthen/Repair Immune System • Natural Anti-Depressant • Improve Sleep • Improve Vision/Hearing • Increase Libido What expectations should I have if I use the HGH Seal? Different people notice different results with homeopathic GH. Some people see immediate, dramatic results, while others experience more subtle benefits. With proper diet and exercise, the results can be faster, deeper, and more pronounced. Research shows that positive changes usually take place between one to six months, but for best results we recommend taking ISOTROPIN® HGH for at least one year. As your GH levels may have been low for years and your receptor sites are blocked, your body may need some time to respond in a positive manner. If you smoke, drink, fail to exercise, or have a poor diet, the results you desire may take longer. You should also be aware that at certain times the body can shift into "neutral", and some results seem to diminish, or vanish altogether. If you experience this, your body may either be using GH to rebuild tissue or, to a degree, be resting. Experience indicates that, after a while, you should see a resumption of the benefits and even some vast improvements. The following is a of some of the general expectations; they are based on worldwide clinical reports and research done with people who have taken injectable Growth Hormone. General expectations in the first month include: • Improved stamina. • Vivid dreams. • Better and sounder sleep, and feeling more refreshed upon awakening. • More optimistic attitude and better sense of humor. • Increase in energy. General expectations in the second month include: • Improved muscle tone. • Enhanced sexual function. • Improvement in nail growth. • Improvement to skin tone. • Better digestion. • Increase in strength. • Weight loss. • Better eyesight, including night vision. General expectations in the third month include: Same as months 1 and 2, but probably heightened. • Some manifestations seem exceptional. • Mental processes improve, including desire to do and complete projects. • Muscle size increases, especially if the individual works out. • Faster recovery for wounds and muscle soreness. • Hair growth. • Reduction in PMS symptoms. • Increase in sexual desire. • Greater body flexibility. • Less pain in joints. • Alleviation of some menopausal symptoms. • Improved nail growth (sign of protein, nutrient assimilation). General expectations in the fourth month include: Same as above. Generally, most improvements are heightened and are more consistent. Please note again that, at times, the body may shift into "neutral" and some results seem to diminish or vanish. Your body may be suing GH to rebuild tissue or, to a degree, be resting. Experience indicates that, after a while, you should see a resumption of the benefits and even some vast improvements. General expectations in the fifth month include: • Impressive weight loss and reduction of inches, since fat is reduced and muscle tissue is increased and toned. • Improvement in skin texture and appearance (including lessening of skin discoloration) • Thickening of skin and greater elasticity. • Reduction of the appearance of wrinkles. • Thickening of hair, plus a shiny and healthy appearance. General expectations in the sixth month include: Same as above, but now better and with more consistent results. This could be the really exciting stage! • Cellulite greatly diminishes. • Body is much more contoured. • Eye sight greatly improved. • Better emotional stability. • Stronger resistance to colds, flu and other illnesses • Some pain and soreness disappear. • Old wounds have healed or are healing. • Excellent exercise tolerance. • Grayed hair begins to return to natural colour. Medical tests show a reduction in cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, blood pressure normalises, heart rate improves, some conditions that have been due to disease vanish or are diminished, and immune system improves. With proper diet and exercise, the results may be faster, deeper and more pronounced! Keep in mind, if you take GH looking for dramatic results quickly, you won't be in line with the results of GH research which shows positive manifestations over 6 months to 1 year and longer. As previously stated, some people do notice immediate, dramatic results, while others experience more subtle benefits. Everyone is different; you must consider the condition you are now in and how long you have been in this condition. whether you notice immediate results or not, according to experience, the GH is probably still working. Please continue to be faithful to your program. As GH injectable research indicates, results appear at three, six, and twelve months. One doctor says his patients "keep improving" year after year. "Feeling Younger With Homeopathic HGH" by Dr. Howard Davis. What is Homeopathy and how does the ISOTROPIN® HGH Homeopathic Seal work? Since the beginning of homeopathy, its discoverer, Dr. Hahnemann, M.D.., advocated applying homeopathic products topically for super sensitive patients and also for those who wished to avoid alcohol. Many patients, due to their life style, have found topical application on the skin more convenient. Homeopathic therapists, down through the years had homeopathic products placed in jells, creams, ointments, suppositories, petroleum and carbomer jellies, beeswax, and gauze, (according to famed homeopath and historian Dr. Trevor Cook). So topical use of homeopathics has been around for over 200 years! Homeopathics have been taken orally, and in liquid form. They have been inhaled, injected and used rectally. Homeopathics have been applied to the eyes, ears and to all areas of the body with safety. According to homeopathic knowledge and research, topical placement of any homeopathic is possible, due to its minute molecular size. It is believed that the succussion, or vigorous shaking process (up to 100 times per serial dilution) activates the bioenergetic activity and reduces surface tension, thus allowing the homeopathic product to penetrate the skin's layers. There are multitudes of environmental assaults. On human skin, so it is a good idea to protect the topical HGH with the use of a ‘seal’. The area of placement should always be cleaned with an all natural product and then dried with a clean cloth before the HGH seal is placed on the skin. Where should I store my HGH Seals? While homeopathic formulas are very stable, we recommend that you keep them (and all supplements) away from extreme heat or light, drugs, toxic substances, x-ray and EMFs (electromagnetic fields). This is a precaution since every substance should be treated with respect. Where does Homeopathic Growth Hormone come from? The Growth Hormone is made from a patented recombinant (bio-engineered) form of GH identical to the kind found in the human body. We do not use GH from animals as many others do. Until 1985, Growth Hormone could be obtained only from human pituitary glands. Producing Growth Hormone prior to 1985 was very time-consuming, and there were problems with purification. At Genetech, in 1985, a team of scientists, headed by Dr. David Goeddel, patented recombinant, or bio-engineered, human Growth Hormone. Simply peaking, a natural plasmid purified culture (Which can be non-animal) is formed and the bioengineered DNA for Growth Hormone is inserted (into the culture) where it “infuses” over time to develop the 191 single chain amino acids pattern that duplicates Human Growth Hormone. The inert powder is removed and the rest (HGH) is freeze-dried and later solubilised for injection, homeopathic, or oral use. "Feeling Younger With Homeopathic HGH" by Dr. Howard Davis. What is an Enhancer or Secretagogue? GH "enhancers" (also known as "releasers" or "secretagogues") are nutrients designed to raise the production of GH in the pituitary and unblock receptor sites for a better response to GH. Can I take nutritional supplements while I'm taking HGH? Homeopathic GH does not seem to interfere with any medications or any other substances, including supplements. In fact, your supplements may work more effectively when you are taking GH. What are these new and/or different sensations? Some people, experience new or different sensations when they start taking GH. Depending upon the condition of your body and how you respond to GH, it is possible that you may experience some new or different sensations. These are usually "aches and pains" from old injuries or symptoms from a previous health condition. These are only temporary sensations that usually last 3 - 7 days or longer. According to homeopathic principles, this could be the body "feeling" energy in an area where it may have had the energy reduced. This is called "retracing" or an "aggravation" (or possibly detoxification). If symptoms are too strong, or uncomfortable, they can easily be alleviated by keeping the HGH Seal on for 6 hours or less. When symptoms subside and your body gets used to the "new" energy, you can slowly increase the length of application to 12-hours. It is best to slowly build back up to the 12-hour application if you have any doubts about possible reactions and your present condition.

تاريخ و تحليل سعر ISOTROPIN HGH Patch Extra Strength 5,400ng

  • أرخص سعر لـ ISOTROPIN HGH Patch Extra Strength 5,400ng فى مصر كان 2,524.55 ج.م. من بايوفيا خلال الـ20 شهور الماضية
  • أغلى سعر لـ ISOTROPIN HGH Patch Extra Strength 5,400ng فى مصر كان 3,185.70 ج.م. من بايوفيا خلال الـ20 شهور الماضية
  • الاختلاف بين أعلى و أقل سعر لـ ISOTROPIN HGH Patch Extra Strength 5,400ng فى مصر هو 661.15 ج.م. من بايوفيا خلال الـ20 شهور الماضية
  • متوسط السعر لـ ISOTROPIN HGH Patch Extra Strength 5,400ng فى مصر هو 3,138.07 ج.م. من بايوفيا خلال الـ20 شهور الماضية

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