Yaoota! Magazine

المقالات العربية


Yaoota’s Guide to Outdoor Jogging Essentials

Yaoota’s Guide to Outdoor Jogging Essentials

By: Shoruq El-Meligy

Jogging is a good way to stay fit. A morning jog will give you the needed boost of energy to get through the day. For you to have an enjoyable, comfortable jog, you need to have the right products that will make the experience more fun and worthwhile.

For that reason, Yaoota is offering you a list of outdoor jogging essentials to give you the ultimate jogging experience.

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حلول مبتكرة لمواجهة حرارة الصيف بدون تكييف


كتبت: صفاء مجدي

الصيف شادد حيله علينا الكام سنة اللي فاتوا والوضع بيتحول للأسوأ لأسباب بيئية نتجت عن تصرفات البشر غير المبالية بالبيئة لكن مهما بلغت حرارة الصيف ياقوطة  هتواجهها معاكم بحلول مبتكرة لمواجهة حرارة الصيف وبدون تكييف، مع طرق بسيطة ومش مكلفة وكمان صديقة للبيئة بقدر الإمكان. Read More…

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For an Enjoyable Summer Vacation



By Amany Samir & Translations by Dina Amir

Many of us think that summer vacations are only for spending time with family and friends or running away from traffic jams, noise, and work; yet summer vacations have so much more to do with your physical and psychological health as well. Yaoota brought you some items to help you enjoy your vacation to the maximum. Check the items, compare between more than one product before you buy and choose the one that suits you and your family the most. If you want, you can buy it online, and it will be delivered to your doorstep, wherever you are. Read More…

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