Yaoota! Magazine

المقالات العربية


10 Kitchen Tools Every Vegetarian Needs

By: Mai Sroor & Heidi Soliman

There are people who follow certain diets, whether a gluten-free, lactose-free or a vegetarian/vegan one. And for every diet, you need to equip your kitchen to fit your eating preferences. We at Yaoota are always keen to give our readers information based on their preferences, and today we made a list of essential kitchen tools every vegetarian/vegan kitchen needs.


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Tips & Appliances For A Healthier Lifestyle This Year


By Shaza Walid

Since we are on the verge of a new year and everyone is writing down his/her resolutions, Yaoota has one to suggest, leading a healthier lifestyle. With the air being more polluted, more foods are becoming processed and technological advancements are making us a bit more inactive, the need to develop a healthier lifestyle is becoming more important than ever. And what is a better place to start than our own homes? Yaoota will provide you with some valuable tips and appliances’ suggestions to lead a better and healthier lifestyle at home this year.

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