L-Lysine: Essential for good calcium absorption and for building muscle protein!
• Assists in the production of enzymes, hormones and antibodies
• Important component for collagen formation
• May support healthy immune function
• Important for proper calcium absorption
• Essential amino acid for growth and tissue repair
What is L-Lysine?
L-Lysine is one of nine essential amino acids. This means that the human body cannot produce L-Lysine and this important amino acid must be obtained from dietary intake. The body needs it for proper growth and tissue repair. Because it is so important for growth, children need 3-4 times more Lysine than adults. It is a building block for proteins and is important for production of certain enzymes, hormones, antibodies and collagen. Lysine is involved in the absorption of calcium, thus, it is important to the health of bones and teeth. Lysine, along with methionine furnishes the raw materials for the synthesis of carnitine, which promotes fatty acid synthesis on a cellular level.
Lysine can be found in foods such as yogurt, fish, cheese, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, pork, and other meats.
Why should you take L-Lysine?
• Herpes and Shingles: There is a substantial body of evidence that supports the claim that Lysine may be beneficial to those with herpes simplex virus (HSV). Researchers discovered that HSV needs arginine to replicate; Lysine competes with arginine for absorption. When Lysine is present, it inhibits the growth of HSV by wiping out arginine. In a six-month trial of over fifty people, it was concluded that supplemental Lysine was far more effective than a placebo in preventing cold sores caused by HSV. Taking lysine supplements can also speed recovery time from breakouts.
• Osteoporosis: L-lysine helps improve the absorption of calcium from the digestive tract and prevent loss of calcium in the urine. In so doing, some researchers speculate that L-lysine may help prevent bone loss associated with osteoporosis. In addition, test tube studies suggest that L-lysine in combination with L-arginine (another amino acid) increases the activity of bone-building cells and enhances production of collagen
• Muscle Function: Lysine works with other essential amino acids to maintain growth, lean body mass, and the body’s store of nitrogen.
What are some symptoms of deficiency?
Symptoms may include anemia, enzyme disorders, lack of energy, hair loss, bloodshot eyes, weight loss and retarded growth as well as reproductive problems, poor appetite and poor concentration. People on a vegan or vegetarian diet, using grains as their only source of protein are often deficient in L-Lysine.
How much should you take?
Typical dosage ranges from 500 to 3000mg per day.
Are there any contraindications or side effects?
• If you are pregnant or lactating consult your health care practitioner prior to using L-Lysine.
• In rare cases, abdominal cramps and diarrhea have been reported with very high doses of more than 10 grams per day of Lysine. If you experience these symptoms reduce or discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner.